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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Math at Henry Clay High School

In order to graduate, a student must pass three years of high school mathematics (or obtain three math credits).  In addition, a student must have successfully completed Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II.  If Algebra I and Geometry have been completed at the middle school level, with mastery shown on the math placement exam then three successive math courses must be completed in high school.  Starting with the class of 2012, students must take a math elective or repeat one of the above classes if the students does not pass in a previous year.  The state requires all students starting with the class of 2012 to be enrolled in a math class each year, but they must earn at least 3 credits for graduation.

Click here for the HC Math Website

Note: Course offerings are based on number of students enrolled in each class.