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2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for

Proficient Reading:



Distinguished Reading:



Proficient Math:



Distinguished Math:



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Foreign Languages

Foreign Language

All foreign Language course are elective.  Students planning an academic career after high school should become competent in a foreign language while in secondary school.  Although foreign language competency is not required for entry to all universities, many college majors have language requirements needed for graduation.  Some universities will give college credit for foreign languages take in high school.  Others have placement tests that can give college credit or place the student in the proper level of course so they do not repeat known skills.  Beginning with the fall of 2004, public universities within the state of Kentucky will require at least two successful years of high school foreign language study to be considered for admission.


  • French I, II
  • Accelerated French II
  • Advanced French III, IV
  • Advanced Placement French
  • German I, II
  • Advanced German III, IV
  • Advanced Placement German
  • Latin I, II, III
  • Advanced Placement Latin
  • Spanish I, II
  • Accelerated Spanish II
  • Advanced Spanish III, IV
  • Advanced Placement Spanish
  • Spanish for Native Speakers

English as a Second Language

ESL is a sequential course of study which teaches English vocabulary and structures using second/foreign language teaching techniques.  Instruction includes the development of skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English.  ESL is offered to speakers of other languages who have limited or no ability to speak, read, and/or write in English.  US History and World Civilization are also offered through the ESL program for non-English speaking students enrolled in the ESL program.  Henry Clay High School is one of three ESL centers for the FCPS.