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Governor Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Governor Receives Distinguished Alumni Award

Fayette County Public Schools has presented Gov. Andy Beshear with the district’s inaugural Distinguished Alumni Award, which is named in his honor. Henry Clay High School, his alma mater, hosted the brief ceremony. “I had a lot of great years here,” Beshear said. “The teachers at Henry Clay invested in me, and I’m really grateful for what they continue to do.”

Speaking to about 80 students gathered near the gym, Beshear spoke of the importance of funding and support for education across Kentucky. He called high school an “initial training ground” that gives students a strong foundation for their future, and he praised educators in FCPS for their passion and hard work. In addition, the governor encouraged the teens to one day look back and think kindly of everyone who invested in them, and he later paused for a photo with three staffers who taught there when he was in school: Scott Brown, Sharron Wesley-Porter, and Charles Atinay. Beshear also stopped by three classrooms including Brown’s Advanced Government class, where he took time to sign several pocket copies of the U.S. Constitution for students.

Superintendent Demetrus Liggins and Tyler Murphy, chair of the Fayette County Board of Education, commended Beshear for his unwavering support and said he was an ideal example of a distinguished graduate of FCPS. Beshear “believes in the value of public education and believes in the power and potential of it,” Murphy added.

Beshear greeting the crowd as he walks in at Henry Clay
Beshear seated on the front row among about 80 high school students
Superintendent Liggins, a Henry Clay teacher, and Gov. Beshear in the hall next to red lockers
two male student ambassadors lead Beshear on a tour as TV cameras trail in the hallway
Beshear with American flag behind him, speaking to a handful of teens in class
Beshear pauses to sign pocket copies of the Constitution for several students
Beshear posing with three staff who taught when he was in school
Beshear handing his award to Liggins