Proficient Reading:
Distinguished Reading:
Proficient Math:
Distinguished Math:
Click on the Program of Studies above to see a complete listing of graduation requirements, KEES information, course descriptions, and more!
Click this SCHEDULE to see when future 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students meet with their counselor to finalize their 2023-24 schedule at Henry Clay High School.
Click HERE for the 2023 Summer Reading Requirements. Information regarding summer Health and PE is below.
Henry Clay Scheduling Information for 2023-2024:
Graduation Planner/Worksheet for Henry Clay. Current Henry Clay students can access their transcript on their Infinite Campus portal.
Henry Clay Program Applications and Information for SENIORS ~ Class of 2024:
Summer Health and PE - Sign up HERE to receive information. Health and PE are offered during the regular school day.
The Summer Physical Education class dates have not been determined. Dates will be announced in late March or mid April AFTER inclement weather make-up days have been determined. Since KHSAA has a dead period for athletes, PE dates will NOT include June 26 – July7. Students pick 1 of the summer sessions either in June or July and do PE all Day. Each session lasts 10 days and typically runs 8 am-3:30 pm with a 30 min lunch. Lunch is not provided.
The cost in the past was $160 for the ½ Credit of PE. Reduced lunch students paid $100 and free lunch paid $75. The cost has not been determined for 2023.
Students taking PE during summer school will take Health through e-School. e-School is a separate registration process. e-School is $125 for Health. Reduced lunch students pay $80 and free lunch students pay $60. This course is completed by the student independently on the internet. The eSchool application link will be emailed to you based on the information you provide in the Google form. Registration Dates will be announced in late March or mid April.
Watch the Infinite Campus announcements and your email.