consider enrolling in a college course or pursuing a summer program/internship
job search/summer job
after school ends, visit colleges if possible
start working on your resume
If you need to request a transcript, click here or the icon below to get started. There is also a guide to Parchment here.
College Visits
Sign up at the link below to meet with College Representatives when they come to Henry Clay. There is a list of colleges once you click on the link. We will take college names down 24 hours in advance of the meeting in order to have time to prepare for the visit. Please limit your sign-ups to 5-6 colleges. If you need more, see your counselor.
If you are planning a trip to visit a college and will miss a day or more of school, you will need to fill out a College Visit Request Form. Please click the link below to get to that form. There are also hard copies in the Counseling Office.